Nerd Time (or lack thereof)

So the past few weeks have been quite busy for me.  June is always a busy busy month that is better off forgotten, but oh well.  Between my “little” brother’s high school graduation party, wedding I was in, work trip, accelerated  programming class for my degree and trying to get a house ready to sell, yeah… not nearly as much nerd time as I would prefer.  So what gaming have I gotten done you ask?  Uhm… yeah… not that much to be honest, but here we go.

Guild Wars

Still 24/30 on my Hall of Monuments.  Been playing my Monk to get him past a few more Factions missions so I can buy him the Kurzick armor.  Beyond that, I really just need cash and a little Asuran faction on my Dervish and I’m done.  Here’s the last few things on my to-do list:

  • Get 2 more common minis.  Will wait for another month or so until three of my characters get their 2nd year birthday gifts.  Hoping I get a couple I don’t already have.  Or I’ll buy them.  Either way… 25/30
  • Get 9k more Asuran Rep to hit Rank 5 and purchase Asuran Dervish Armor for 3 Armor Statues… 26/30
  • Few more missions in Factions for the Monk and then purchase Kurzick Armor… 27/30
  • Craft Primeval Armor (don’t want to grind any more faction and it’s not too pricey) now 5 Armors…  29/30
  • Craft a Destroyer Weapon – dun dun dun… 30/30!
Mass Effect 2
I picked up Mass Effect 3 but haven’t played it yet.  I went back and purchased a couple pieces of DLC I didn’t have for Mass Effect 2 so I’ve played a mission here or there to finish ME2, but not in a real big rush here.

Krogan – The race of cranky old men… sooo good.

Diablo 3
Then the only other thing I’ve really done much of is playing Diablo 3 with a buddy.  We just hit 50 and started Hell earlier this week.  My Barbarian is 51 and we’re having a really good time with it.  Diablo 3 is very much a boring game for me to play solo, but with a buddy… tons of fun.  Especially when I die horribly and respawn right in the middle of awful things and by the end of the battle I end up naked.  He laughed.  I laughed…. and then paid my repair bill and moved on with life.

This Barbarian is far more awesome than my current build but approximately the same level of broken-armored-ness

Star Trek Online
0 play time.  Well, I take that back… I logged in and promptly fell asleep at my keyboard a couple night ago… does that count?  I really don’t know what I’m going to do when Star Trek Online pushes out the Season 6 update which will include fleet bases.  Just not enough time in the day it seems…
Hopefully I can finish off 30/30 HoM in Guild Wars before then… would help free up gaming time but going to require a lot more Guild Wars gold than I currently have.  I also need to find a fleet to STO with… current fleet was fun when I played, but they are very much based in the UK and I missed most of the fun events due to my work schedule/sleep schedule.
I have heard that there are new Duty Officer reinforcement packs for sale in STO that have the chance to drop all kinds of random stuff, even including a transport!  Sounds very cool, and a really nice homage to Heretic who will be greatly missed.  I haven’t purchased a single lockbox key yet, but I will be picking up a few of these whether I get the ship or not.  I think this is a really great way to give the lockbox cash that Cryptic and PWE so love to see, but also gives us players something of value at the same time.  Now I just wish they’d finally get around to making a Duty Officer app.  Everyone wants one.  I know even Cryptic wants to do it.  What would it take?  Sell the app?  Done.  Here’s my money and thank you very much.
Anyways, on a personal note, does anyone know of a fun fleet in STO that doesn’t mind a guy that plays passionately for weeks on end, and then goes on hiatus and plays something else but eventually always comes home?  Really want to try to find somewhere to land so I can have some Starbase fun in the near future!